A Call For Help
I was planning on writing about EdTech startups and Section4. However, I can’t focus on anything but my disappointment — disdain really — in the lack of leadership at a federal level (Biden) and the voluntary manslaughter at a state level (DeSantis).
Between 1964 and 1973, we ordered 2.2 million young men to travel to Southeast Asia, grab up a gun, venture into the jungle, and begin shooting. Those who questioned their country’s call to service faced imprisonment or fled to Canada (and faced imprisonment upon return).
Things have changed since Vietnam. Today, serving on the frontlines is not only statistically guaranteed to save lives, it’s also somewhat easier: You walk into your local CVS. And unlike staring down the barrel of an M14, it doesn’t kill you. But the U.S. call to service has changed a lot since then, too. We no longer demand you do what’s right for your country — instead, we cajole … beg, even.
Enough already. Federal law should require any citizen who wants to cash a government check, use public transport, or enter a place of business to show proof of vaccination. I published the following post when we’d lost 300,000 Americans. Nine months later, we have a vaccine … and 613,000 deaths. The world suffers from a dearth of vaccines. America suffers from dysfunction.
[The following was originally published on December 18, 2020.]
The 10th of May, 1940. The leaders of Britain and France watch an unfolding disaster in the east, as Hitler’s forces infect a host of weaker nations. Still, the Allies feel confident. They are wealthy, innovative … exceptional.
That morning, the Germans attack. They sweep through the Low Countries, bypassing France’s famed Maginot line, and plunge south into the Ardennes Forest. They rout the Allies in a lightning assault and drive the retreating army up the Somme Valley, toward the English Channel. Within two weeks, the French Army has fled to the west, the Germans own the skies, and 400,000 British Expeditionary Force troops are stranded on a sliver of the French coast at Dunkirk.
Pinned down and facing annihilation, the BEF commander sends a messenger to London. The junior officer pleads with the War Cabinet: “You must send pleasure steamers, coasters, fishing boats, lifeboats, yachts, motorboats, everything that can cross the Channel.”
A call goes out.
The response of the British people has become legend. Captains of every type of ship, from river barges to fishing trawlers, sailed into the teeth of German artillery and air power to rescue their countrymen. Over the next 10 days, the British mounted a chaotic, impossible rescue. They saved 340,000 soldiers, including every surviving soldier in Dunkirk. The Allies’ first battle with Germany was a colossal disaster for them: France fell in less than a month, and had the U.K. lost the men at Dunkirk, it likely would have sought a settlement. Instead, the sacrifice and selflessness of the British people changed the course of history.
Our Generation’s Call
January 2020. America, too, looked east with confidence. A virus had emerged in China and was invading weaker nations, but America was exceptional. We had the world’s finest health-care system and most brilliant scientists, and the Centers for Disease Control was the gold standard for public-health institutions.
Then the virus attacked. Like an invading army, it evaded nearly every defense erected to slow its relentless march. For almost a year now, we’ve been retreating. The enemy has exposed our institutions as weak and ineffective and preyed on a deadly comorbidity: the notion that individual liberty trumps collective sacrifice.
Covid-19 has driven us not to a beach, but into our own homes and, more dangerously, into separate spheres of differing truths. The daily death toll has crossed 3,000, hospitals are reaching capacity, and more than 1 million people contract the virus every week. By late January 2021, it will have killed more Americans than died fighting in World War II.
Covid is a web of death and disability sweeping across the country. Every day, it kills fathers and mothers, school teachers and accountants. Each newly infected person adds a fiber, making the web finer and deadlier.
What We Must Do
What we can do — what every one of us must do — is avoid becoming a fiber in that web. To date, we haven’t done a good job of this. Millions of us, from the president of the United States down, have refused to acknowledge the gravity of the threat and continue to cling to some perverted notion of “liberty.” And every day, we add 200,000 more fibers.
How many Americans will be snared? If the virus is left to run its course, it could infect over 200 million more people in the country before herd immunity suppresses the spread. If the mortality rate is 1%, that puts 2 million people on the beach, pinned down by the enemy, facing death.
But these people don’t have to die. There is a way out. We have vaccines: two in use, a third expected soon, and more on the way. However, vaccines don’t save lives — vaccinations do.
A call has gone out.
Will we answer it? Huge numbers of Americans are saying they will not. In poll after poll, nearly half of Americans say they are unlikely to get the vaccine.
By now I’ve gotten used to reading polls saying that half of America has its head up its ass. What’s particularly distressing about the refusal to get the vaccine is that I don’t have to read polls to hear it. I hear it from friends, from business associates, from parents at my kids’ soccer league: “We’re going to wait, to ensure it’s safe.”
While it’s true that these vaccines have been developed in record time, they’re hardly untested. The Pfizer vaccine, the first to be approved by the FDA, was tested on 18,198 people; the Moderna vaccine was tested on 15,200 people. Around half of the recipients reported fatigue or chills, and 1 in 7 reported a 24-hour fever. No serious side effects were identified in any recipient, and people who felt ill nonetheless said they were glad to have gotten the shots. Vaccines are one of humanity’s greatest accomplishments, and they are incredibly safe. Fun fact: You are far more likely to be killed by a dog than by a vaccine. Thanks to immunization, diseases like measles and smallpox, which once killed hundreds of thousands of Americans every year, are rare or unheard of today.
In hindsight, calling the effort to procure a vaccine “Operation Warp Speed” may not have been the best way to build confidence in the final product. But the swiftness with which the vaccines have been developed is less a reflection of haste than of commitment, resources, and new technology.
As of mid-December, scientists had published 74,000 papers related to a virus that nobody had heard of 12 months earlier. Nearly one-third of all scientific researchers around the world have dropped their prior projects to work on Covid-related matters. As Ed Yong recently described in the Atlantic, this pivot is far beyond any historical precedent and will have profound effects on the scientific community for years to come.
The speed of clinical trials can also be attributed to the virus’s very virulence, as it takes so little time for the control group to suffer a statistically significant number of infections. Johnson & Johnson recently cut the size of its Phase 3 trial because infection rates are so high in the U.S.
We moved fast because we had to, and because we could. These vaccines benefited enormously from advances in technology, data mining, and data modeling.
The technology behind the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, which has been in development for decades, also enabled the shots to reach us quickly. Their novel deployment of messenger RNA should also quell a common concern about vaccines: that they inject a modified form of the virus itself into the recipient. Instead, mRNA vaccines provide the “instructions” our immune system needs to identify and defeat the pathogen. They do not alter the DNA in our cells. (If my scientific expertise is not reassuring on this point, vaccines based on traditional approaches are also in development.)
Still, though, I hear friends and colleagues say, “Even if the risk is tiny, why take it? I’m not at risk from Covid.” But the risk of suffering serious health effects from the disease, even for younger people in good health, is real. In July, the death rate among adults 25-44 was almost 50% higher than in July 2019 — that’s an additional 5,000 deaths attributed to Covid, among younger people, in just one month. Even among survivors, the virus has been shown to cause long-term neurological and cardiac harm in 10% of victims. Yes, the risk is small. But it’s far greater than the risk presented by the vaccine.
Whatever the risk to ourselves, however, we don’t take vaccines only to protect ourselves. We take them to protect everyone, to avoid becoming a fiber in the web.
In May of 1940, the British sailors and bargemen who set course for France did not know if U-boats, bombers, or bad weather awaited them. They didn’t need to know. They knew their countrymen were at risk, and that was enough.
Today, it feels as if we’ve lost sight of the connection between sacrifice on behalf of our country and the personal prosperity and liberties we are blessed with. But we’d do well to remember that they weren’t really blessed upon us — they were earned.
Our nation has been frayed, if not torn apart. A key component of our repair will be a renewed belief that there is a truth — one based not on ideology or opinion but on data and science.
This vaccine is our generation’s call. Let’s answer it. Let’s get 2 million fellow Americans off this beach.
Life is so rich,
P.S. Today I find myself reiterating the importance of positive action. That holds true for pursuing your education. In my Section4 Sprints, Business Strategy and Brand Strategy, business professionals gain the skills and frameworks they need to be more successful at work. Join me in leveling up.
Hi, where does the Professor stand now post omicron? When we have evidence that vaccines do not stop the spread of COVID?
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Covid primarily kills obese people and the old. Obesity is a relatively new phenomenon, but age isn’t. Other than these two groups, this is not a very deadly disease and you want to require that people get injected with an experimental (yes, it’s a big sample size, but still) liquid based on something that isn’t particularly dangerous to people outside the previously mentioned groups? Your desire to shred personal freedoms is scary. Sadly, it’s also the consensus.
What if we instead spent the trillions on educating the lower- and middle-class on healthy diets and making better food accessible. Or, hell, offset the funds spent by massively taxing anything with sugar or any grain that’s roughly bite sized and contains ample salt?
Our species has managed through disease before, not all that long ago either. We’ll be just fine this time too. Let’s protect the vulnerable and provide these shots for those who WANT them, but leave it there.
Freedom got us to this glorious position we have found ourselves in over the past century and freedom will keep us here.
He makes plenty of sense – to those who are not self involved with a misguided sense of “personal liberty”. Did you not get the lengthy analogy to the collective sacrifice in WWII? THAT sir… that is what made this country great, or for that matter ANY successful society since we crawled out of trees and caves. Your sense of what constitutes “personal liberties” is distorted and misguided. I imagine that your boat would have remained docked – no one was going to tell YOU what to do.
“Not being killed” is not the measure of success. Did you miss the 10% complication and long term effects rate? And amongst the healthy? And if death IS your only metric, do you also miss that you are more likely to die from dog attack than from the vaccine??
As professor G suggests, perhaps you should extract your head so you’re able to see the young and non-obese with horrible complications from this PREVENTABLE disease. I am a physician (so qualified to comment) and see these patients everyday. My hospital is full and turning away “elective” procedures and visits. Are those exercising their “personal liberty” to not participate in turn not infringing on the liberties of others?
I remember having chickenpox parties as a child. In lieu of a viable vaccine which is commonplace today (see article), we would gather children to gain natural immunity at a young age when the disease is not as dangerous. I suggest we do the same with all those who will not accept the MUCH safer alternative of vaccination. The complication rate of actual disease is orders of magnitude greater than the vaccine, however. Their personal liberty to choose.
It is patently unfair and frankly un-American to benefit from herd immunity while not actively participating or taking a risk yourself.
The ignorance and disinformation that these algorithms are breeding is astounding and alarming.
The absence of serious and informed analysis coupled with an unusual degree of polemic from this otherwise deeply analytic source is very disturbing.
Things are not as simple as this “call for help” would have us believe.
I corrected what you are trying to say.
What you are saying is “The absence of serious and informed FOX, OAN & Newsmax” analysis coupled with an unusual degree of “non-believer of 2nd coming of the boomer locust Orange Christ” polemic from this otherwise deeply analytic source is very disturbing.
Things are not as simple as this “call for help” would have us believe. “Understand that being the worst generation ever took real work. Who spent the 60’s & 70’s doing LSD and mushroom? Guess from where the those decision to make communist china rich came from? Who spent the 80’s &90’s on cocaine, even Clapton wrote a song about it?. Who has spent all the time on p3cker pills since them? and don’t think it does not have side effects – it says it in the bottle – you get brain damage. That brain damage explains a lot of us boomers Shiva The Destroyer loving approach to everything. Hell we even re-marketed the word “patriot”. Patriot now is starting to mean a fascist loving constitution hating fat drug addled broke vulgar bourgeois. We all be dead in 15yrs tops, so screw everyone.”
Dude, the song “Cocaine” was written by JJ Cale, not Eric Clapton
@aka_aka it is very simple. 3 words. Get the vaccine.
OK Scotty
1. Don’t stay in your lane. Marketers see behavioral patterns in society that impact business. I may not agree with the interpretation of stats but your POV is very fair.
2. Everyone has come from a difficult country to live in the US, right from the get go. They knew it would be better than living in their home country where oppression, imprisonment or death was normal. So we have an obligation to play our part in ensuring this doesn’t happen here. That means getting a vax. When you are part of a social construct, there is an unspoken contract that you are expected to compromise for the betterment of your neighbor and community.
3. Institutions have failed us: political, religious, educational–so it is no wonder people don’t trust any authority. Kids don’t even value their parents’ authority, experience or knowledge. In a race for ratings and readership, we now get news that is the equivalent of The Enquirer. Shocking headlines with no facts. We need to bring integrity back to the news. Forget bailing out airlines. Good journalism needs to be protected so we can avoid false information infecting the public.
4. Sir Frederick Banting created insulin. Guess how much he sold the patent for? $1.00 Canadian. He believed in science serving his fellow humans. Corporate and investor greed has also reduced public trust. Of course people will think short cuts were taken. No one has repositioned the science behind vaccines and how it doesn’t need to take years of testing to be safe. Or relating it to everyday things like being killed by a dog.
No country has gotten things right. Just ask their citizens. We have a moral obligation to each other.
Could not agree more. I feel enormous sadness at the selfishness, fear and arrogance of those who still, over six months after the vaccine has been in use by millions, want to wait and see. Because they have a “gut feeling”, they feel fine, their immune systems are strong, they don’t trust…somebody or something.
It’s just abhorrent, ignorant and pathetic.
Scott – in general respect you; i have a lot of sympathy for your perspective but we (the manufacturers / health authorities) could be wrong despite best efforts. Not likely but could. Try read: https://larrysanger.org/2021/08/the-astonishing-hubris-of-a-global-experimental-vaccine/
I see the problem a bit differently. When COVID struck, it was political season in the US. Trump blamed China, Biden called it ‘racist’ to cancel flights to the US. Then the media smelled blood. Using the techniques and software learned in their marketing classes (maybe NYU?), media fired up their viewers and sold eyeballs on sensationalizing the virus. Trump vs. the ‘educated’. Freedom vs left/socialist control. The messages sold eyeballs, cat food ads, ED meds, and everything else pimped on Cable News. Adults would have put politics aside and focused on helping people do the right thing as soon as we knew what it was. But, no, it was an opportunity to get that desperately needed REVENGE for the failure of Congress to ‘get’ Trump. For Donald, it was a change to fire up his base with leftist control vs. freedom. Neither of these stands would have mattered if the media had just seen their duty to the US people. Dunkirk worked because saving lives was more important to the British media than selling soap. Unfortunately, US media has EPS and quotas that matter more than lives. And, especially the left media cannot help themselves when it comes to belittling people who’s parents couldn’t spring for a ‘Top’ college education. I blame their arrogance for a lot of the ‘anti-vaxxer’ movement.
What we need is leadership from both sides of the political aisle. I saw that Kirk Cousins, the Minnesota Vikings QB, called his decision to skip the vaccine a “personal health” decision.
I’ve been hearing that a lot. But everyone who knows anything about highly contagious diseases know that it’s a “public health” situation, where a “personal” decision to skip the vaccine can kill other Americans. It takes a special mix of ignorance and selfishness to skip the vaccine when all the data shows the vaccine is slowing the spread and saving lives.
It is completely understandable, considering the complete lack of trust in our institutions, the complete lack of transparency of data related to both SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines, the purposeful separation of the people by the government, that people are not confident in taking a vaccine that was rushed to market. No one is even considering people who can’t take the vaccine, those who have allergic or adverse reactions to vaccines, people who are under 18 years who have no risk of severe covid. It’s just a big “us vs them” play that people continue to buy into it hook, line and sinker. Whether the vaccines turn out to have long-term safety; ( whether you like it or not this is not known ), the bottom line is when we lose faith in the institutions that are supposed to lead us through times like this, then society will collapse. Vaccinate or don’t vaccinate. I can understand both sides of this discussion. And that’s what we really need now, more understanding and less finger pointing.
so much selfish misdirected dialogue in the land of the entitled. We United States citizens are quite often our own worst enemies by not drawing the line on societal good vs personal good. The general public is still not willing to slow down and think and act en masse. our leaders are motivated by mixed motivators from reelection positioning to genuine concern for fellow humans, the failure to be on the same page in the midst of a rapidly evolving pandemic is what’s harming us. In a land where we don’t all learn from history science or even man’s inhumanity to fellow ma, we are where are. I did my research and I am vaccinated and so are my kids.
so much selfish misdirected dialogue in the land of the entitled. We United States citizens are quite often our own worst enemies by not drawing the line on societal good vs personal good. The general public is still not willing to slow down and think and act en masse. our leaders are motivated by mixed motivators from reelection positioning to genuine concern for fellow humans, the failure to be on the same page in the midst of a rapidly evolving pandemic is what’s harming us. In a land where we don’t all learn from history science or even man’s inhumanity to fellow ma, we are where are. I did my research and I am vaccinated and so are my kids.
To the point ! I share your frustration in realizing that friends and family that I considered clear minded are in fact very confused human beings. Confused to the medical point…
I have been an academic full-time for 33 years – half my life. It never ceases to amaze me how most academics cannot just say “you are correct – good job” but must labor on from their own viewpoint. Scott – you are right – great stuff.
Here is my two cents – let these people die. It seems the only way we can rid ourselves of this idiocy. Bless them and I do get it some of us may die but not if you have been double vaccinated. As Elsa says, “Let it go” – you are never going to convince the “culted” to move. Let them go. Bless your for trying.
Amen Patrick, especially those damned heathen Republicans who don’t believe in science. If they all die off, Democratic majority forever.
Come on, you know you want to say it. Just do it.
Unfortunately, it is too many of those in Academics that allow vaccination arguments to simmer. No doubt the arrogant attitude flows down from the ‘top’ schools to the ‘little people in Community College’. The left laughed as their media belittled others and turned confusion about shots into a parlor game of crude name calling. The reason there are anti-vaxxers in the first place is that it was politicized. The ‘smartest’ people in the US could not see that coming. And, we are where we are because of them.
Scott, I enjoy your column but I found your reference to “voluntary manslaughter at a state level (DeSantis)” is over the top. Do you recall just prior to the 2020, when Trump bragged about the progress his administration was making with a Covid vaccine, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris both responded that they wouldn’t trust and would not take a vaccine that Trump had anything to do with, since he might cut have corners to speed up FDA approval? D’you think that might have had an impact? Also, comparing COVID 2020 deaths with WWII deaths is a wee bit disingenuous, since COVID victims were mostly elderly people, mostly with chronic diseases, who might have died in 2020 anyway, whereas WWII deaths were mainly healthy draftees in their 20s.
Fantastic points made. It is amazing how little real data on the deaths and who is dying seems to be shared
Scott, I always enjoy your material and respect your opinions. There are certainly a few points in worthy of debate but won’t attempt that in the comments thread. However, I do want to call into question your conclusion that the US has the “world’s finest healthcare system”. Not so much. We have the world’s finest trauma care system. There is no better place to have a car accident than the US. But the quality of a “health care” system should be based on the health outcomes of its patients. The US healthcare system, driven by big pharma, manages disease symptoms better than any other country perhaps, but it does not heal people. We spend more per capita (and absolute $) on healthcare than any country in world but have the highest chronic disease burden and lowest life expectancy among our peers. We are a sick country! And tragically, we’ve become used to thinking that its normal to age and be stricken with disease. We are nutritionally malnourished, under-exercised/physically lazy, and overweight with outrageous reliance on pharmaceuticals that only manage or mask symptoms. My understanding of the CDC data is that the average covid fatality has 2.6 co-morbidities! When Covid breached our borders it found a vulnerable people – a higher than average hospitalization and death rate is tragic but not surprising. I’ve yet to hear government or influential media organizations imploring a vulnerable public to begin to focus on health (diet, exercise, lifestyle). Instead we continue to perpetuate the same losing strategy of outsourcing our health to industry and government. Perhaps you might use your platform to issue a second “call for help” and call our citizens to begin to seriously improve their health – if not for their own good then certainly for the greater good.
US healthcare is by far the best in the world. Try to get an MRI in Canada within a week. Ever been in an Italian hospital when they ran out of toilet paper because the only person allowed to order it was on Holiday? Look at cancer outcomes in UK. The state of American health has nothing to do with the system, everything to do with the people. We don’t take care of ourselves, as you state. Second most obese major country in the world. Big Pharma has little to do with it. But, if you believe it does, tell MSM and CNN to STOP carrying Pharma ads! They blame ‘greedy’ capitalists, but take ALL that money for commercials on their shows. Stop being two faced. See how far you get with that idea. Madow and Lemon are pining for raises…
THANK YOU, SCOTT! For this comment and analysis on Vaccinations!
I can’t believe the level of ignorance and selfishness that people have who make excuses about the vaccines! If a person doesn’t care if they get sick, why can’t they think of others they claim to care about? As one public voice said, why are the Republicans so ready to kill off their base – the right wing Christians and their party? Thanks again Scott. ssc
Courageous post Scott — thank you.
Stupid is as stupid does and the confederacy is the heart of stupidity. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-08-08/austin-with-just-six-icu-beds-left-warns-of-dire-covid-state
Scott; you, and the US, is disregarding the mostly widely deployed “traditional” (non mnra) vaccine to date: Oxford Astrazeneca. This is what the majority of the UK population (now 89% first vac over 18) has been getting. Yes slightly less effective than the others available (eg Pfizer which is the other option in UK until recently) but the effectiveness score is somewhat subject to experiment timing/sample population bias, so may be more effective than stated, and is very effective at preventing hospitalisation, which was and is the overriding concern of the National Health Service, to prevent systemic collapse.
AZ also happens to be cheaper and easier to make in existing factories.
There is talk in the UK of a 3rd booster dose for over 50’s this winter combined with flu shot to keep the hospitals clear. The booster would be another type from first two, first large scale studies of mix & match have completed and anecdotal reports are positive in terms of side effects and effectiveness in amplifying antibodies especially to help prevent new variants.
To clarify, I’ll get vaccinated.
But, it’s not the science behind the vaccine I’m sceptical about. It’s the politicians I don’t trust. If a doctor tells me “eat this,” I’ll. If a politician tells me “eat this,” he can shove it up to his rectum. Furthermore, transporting British soldiers is a good analogy, so is the doctor’s endorsements of cigarettes.
I don’t think America has the best healthcare system in the world. Perhaps if you have enough money for insurance, sure, but not everyone can afford it. In Australia poor people get top quality health care through the medicare system. The only fault in this system is there can be a long wait for elective surgery, such as a knee operation. But giving birth, emergency hospitalisation, rehab services, FREE. I wonder how many of the people who have died in the U.S.A. did not have access to health care. From what I read – many.
I agree almost entirely with all of your sentiments, however you are misguided in the area of vaccines! Before I begin I personal believe that the vaccines offer protection in the short term, however when you have the creator of the mnra vaccine technology pointing out the delivery methods are flawed and potential for leukemia and other cancers months and years down the road! Most vaccines take years of testing (even though development is relatively quick) do you not remember a rushed vaccine effort on the entire American population that cause an outbreak of Guillain-Barre syndrome in 1976? Notice there was no call to find medicines and treatments that could be used that we already use, as a prophylactic (see flccc alliance and MATH++ protocol), notice no call to Increase vitamin C, zinc D and quercetin, no call for intermittent fasting, no call to stop being an unhealthy f*** especially those with obvious commodities! I am definitely not an anti vaxer, and if push comes to shove I will probably get the J and J viral vector. But rushing out vaccines and getting a thoughtless and poke ( a permanent thing) is no different to me than the morons that will not wear a mask (a temporary thing) is a being very unwise.
Quercetin and intermittent fasting, great ideas. In the same vain I’d add liposuction, ice baths, colon cleansing, jade crystals and pet rocks. All used by the Sumerians following instructions from the people who landed in crop circles.
While I agree with some of your sentiments, you shouldn’t try to lead your less educated or knowledgeable readers astray. The vaccines for COVID are NOT approved by the FDA, they are under emergency use authorization, on the way to approval. There is a substantive difference. Millions of Americans don’t trust this vaccine for understandable reasons, because well, to start with, the people we have in charge now were busy bashing the vaccine because it was been done under Trump, now they are changing their tune because it’s convenient.
When pundits like yourself start yammering about statistics, but then fail to get the basic substance of the situation correct, it really doesn’t help.
Do we need to put up the vaccines? Yes, do we need to sell it using a bunch of lies, no, that’s not a good idea, especially when the lies or willful misinformation are so blatantly stupid.
Biology’s Positive Feedback loop is a bitch. Between the mid 1300s & 1400’s from 1/3 to 2/3 of Europe (pending historian that you read) got taken out by the Bubonic Plague in a classic “positive feedback loop”. Too many humans, making unsanitary conditions, allowing rats with fleas carrying the pathogen to flourish.
At any time humans using computer number 1 in their brain could have dealt with the runaway biological positive feedback loop by questioning and addressing the issues. But of course religious, ideological, societal structural dogma blocked it. The positive feedback loop continued until it killed off enough humans allowing for the unsanitary conditions to disappear and stopping the positive feedback loop.
In the process it stopped religious (catholic church credibility), economic and social (feudalism) dogma of the day. Cheer up folks, if the renaissance shows anything, is that the odds look good for the IQ of the USA and the world to go up. This might be what is needed to avoid the “Idiocracy” movie future. Finally, this is just a virus, what if we were dealing with nasty space aliens like Riddick or the Aliens series.
Fauci said last March masks not needed . He was protecting the short supply of masks needed for medical professionals. So, he lied . You lie once to the public you will do it again. Is he lying about the vaccine
This vaccine was created and approved in 1 year. The shortest time to develop and approve a vaccine , prior to this was 8 years. The Vax pbarma corps have just increased the price mid pandemic by 25% ..financial times
We’re witnessing the fall of the American Empire and the end of humanity. The country is filled with too many whiners, snowflakes, greedy egotists void of compassion towards others, unwilling to use the thinking capacity evolution has provided us with after eons of ignorance. We’ve descended back into the Dark Ages where superstition, tribal affiliation, signs from the Gods and the primacy of feelings control our actions. Goodbye America, goodbye Enlightenment, goodby democracy, goodbye humanity.
Professor Galloway, Please re-read “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”, particularly the chapter wherein “Merlin the Magician” must be made the fool…. #themarginsareinthemystery
I could not agree more. Our freedoms are based upon our mutual acceptance of the need to protect each other, vaccination being a key part of that process – that now seems to have been eroded and it is everyone for themselves. That is not freedom
Well Done
We already require people to be vaccinated against: diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, rubella, meningitis, whooping cough and chickenpox. COVID could easily be added to that list.
The only war analogy that can be used is that of genocide. How about showing all of the deaths from the history of vaccines compared with these experimental jabs? This experiment is playing out on a daily basis and people are still believing the propaganda narratives such as ‘herd’ or perhaps that lockdowns/masks work. Welcome to WWIII
Scott I hope you will let us know when you eventually realise the truth and how its is playing out. 🙏🏼
Prof. Galloway,
I remain a big fan, but am a little surprised that someone who has referenced how well supported he is by research support would provide such a one sided narrative…..of course I am sure big pharma is very appreciative. This issue is much more complex, and as someone who at age 60 is still a competitive athlete and very focused on health and wellness, I am very concerned as regards the potential effects of this injection.
Let’s look at some other facts (yes, facts….not conjecture, not conspiracy, facts):
First, a number of therapeutics exist which have been shown to have efficacy against this virus (reference information posted by Steve Kirsch, with whom you may be familiar, as well as a number of medical professionals worldwide.) Despite studies, many of them peer reviewed, demonstrating such effectiveness, no protocols have been established in the US for these and patients who test positive are basically sent home until / unless they are very sick. How many lives might have been saved? All of these therapeutics have been shouted down because if a condition is treatable you cannot get EAU for a vaccine.
Second, it is being clearly demonstrated that the vaccines have limited efficacy against variants. Recent outbreak in Massachusetts as reported by the CDC, 73% of those infected were fully vaccinated. Moreover, testing demonstrated that viral load among these fully vaccinated patients was identical to unvaccinated; i.e. they were equally contagious…..so the “you must get vaccinated to protect others argument is substantially weakened”
Third, why are many of us hesitant about having this injection? Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System now has hundreds of thousands of reported vaccine injuries…..some quite serious such as partial paralysis, heart inflammation, neurological injury, gynecological problems…..as well as over 12,000 deaths. As this is a voluntary reporting system, it is capturing only a fraction of actual adverse events. Big pharma and others claim all these incidents are “unrelated”…really? Spend a few hours reading these event reports and take note of how many occur day 0,1,2 after vaccine, among healthy people with no pre existing medical problems. Check the numbers from Europe, and from Israel, and you will find these issues of injury and death are global. Consult with leading medical professionals such as Dr. Peter McCullough at Baylor, who is one of the most published medical professionals in his field…..and is now under attack for raising questions as a result of the vaccine injuries he is observing.
This is a far less one sided problem than you have presented it to be……and the very critical question is why the mainstream media and government agencies are trying so hard to suppress any other treatment and turn a blind eye to vaccine injuries?
How do you know that these reported adverse events are actually connected to the vaccines when it is a self-reporting site?
Read the reports. When a perfectly healthy 24 year old male student gets vaccinated and is dead 36 hours later from heart problem of which he had no past history, how would you suggest this is unrelated? (Obviously the “voluntary” reported is not being submitted by the deceased) Israel has been tracking instances of heart inflammation among their military for over a year…..they all got Pfizer vaccine. One of the other respondents to this post is a 50 year old triathlete who reported his own experience with myocarditis post vaccine, do you imagine he is sharing his diagnosis and symptoms just to be controversial? If you don’t want to believe the VAERS reports (even a fraction thereof consitutes a very large number), then spend some time reading research, including a number of studies demonstrating that the spike protein which these vaccines generate can cause capillary and organ damage (thus the blood clotting). Or watch interviews with Dr. Peter McCullough at Baylor who is one of the most widely published medical experts in his field ……and is now seeing heart injuries among patients he is treating, and is being attacked for speaking out.
There are 2 sides to this discussion…..and the “science” is nowhere near as definite in support of vaccine as Pfizer, Moderna, et al would have you believe. You can also check the VAERS equivalent reporting database in Europe, in UK…..you will find very similar reports and outcomes. Or you can turn a blind eye as the US govt agencies are doing. As companies / universities, etc. start to mandate vaccines, what the US has to look forward to is a flood of workers’ compensation and other injury lawsuits, by those who suffer injury after being forced to get vaccinated to keep their job or attend school. Govt and companies are already positioning to try to dodge that bullet, with the hair splitting argument that “the company did not inject you”……so trying to turn the blame to the brave and selfless healthcare workers who are just doing the job they have been assigned; after having been forced to get this vaccine themselves.
Prof G I usually agree with you, but I’m shocked at the lack of research you have done on this subject which is not as clear cut as you make out.
This piece is a really beautiful analysis of the current state of American political mismanagement. Let me offer a personal take on the debacle presented by the Vietnam War. (It was a horrible military gambit that from the start made no sense!) So in 1966 I hit a really solid job market with a new MBA that got me good interviews. But no offers. Recruiters whose companies supported the War effort privately told me they’d like to make an offer but noted that my 1-A draft status was a liability. Any potential new hire facing an inconvenient and expensive absence for military service was a non-starter. But one company stepped up with an offer and the willingness to support me with a request for an industrial deferment. The citizens who supported the Vietnam War in the 1960’s have now been replaced. By anti-vaxxers and those who believe the insanity spewed by Trump and FoxNews.
Happy to see such a post coming from ProfG, thank you. Having lost my father to COVID even after being precautious, I don’t even expect this sort of impact to even my worst enemy ( I don’t have one). Its very critical that everyone gets vaccinated and also avoid going to public places unless its absolutely necessary. If we keep feeding to the mania in the name of freedom, choice and intellectual stupidity, this enemy will not go out of our system anytime soon. A humble request!
Spot on Scott!
Well I took the Pfizer and I got myocarditis. Was it the end of the world? No, but I did suffer afib, shortness of breath and chest pain. The only reason I know this is because I am a fifty something endurance athlete. I cycle every week and started struggling on rides. The cardiologist simply said, “I am seeing a lot of crazy stuff”. So I am ok. But, the vaccine is not without danger Scott.
While I agree that people should strongly consider getting vaccinated, your piece is sensational at heart. Comparing the scourge of disease to war? Bacteria and Viruses have always been more efficient killers than wars since they march non-stop. Malaria still kills 2M a year. Let’s address the ridiculous policies instituted by our governments who have no clue what they are doing even in good times.
Professors should offer ideas and solutions beyond the obvious.
Granted I don’t have any 80 year old friends, but I know a ton of people and don’t know anyone who has died of Covid. I do personally know 2 people who had to go to the ER after having negative reactions to the vaccine. One has uncontrollable facial twitching and numbness and the other was a son of a neighbor who turned 12 and got his vaccine the next day.
There mere fact that you equate the life of 82 year old who “dies from covid” with the death of young men aged 18 in a war is extraordinary intellectual bankrupt. I love reading your posts and listen to your arguments… but this is destroys your credibility completely… you come about as a classic big government socialist that will say anything to gain power… even if its blatantly untrue… and untrue it certainly is when you compare the death of a 82 year old person with the death of a young man age 18. I will be looking forward to you addressing this… with a mea culpa. Thank you.
I’m really sick and tired of your biased shit coming up on Business Insider. In one completely warped sentence, you dismissed an individual’s right to life, right to self-defense, ownership of one’s own body, and the freedom of association, all core tenants of U.S. society, as “some perverted notion of ‘liberty’.” You need to take a refresher course in American government. You’ve used a belief in “the greater good,” liberal socialist group think, and your own fear of loss to push a totalitarian belief: let’s use fear to force everyone to become vaccinated. For generations, progressive women in this country have been screaming, “My body! My choice!” Now, all of a sudden, simply due to the quick spread of a flu-like illness, that right of “My body! My choice!” simply doesn’t matter anymore? What a load of horseshit. This is why many people call liberals hypocrites. When times are good, you push one set of beliefs upon society, such as inclusiveness and freedom, but when the chips are down, you turn to another, such as divisiveness and force. When you wish to sway others to your opinion, you readily fall back upon another liberal trope: data and science. This is really a micro-aggression against religion and the religious, i.e., rural white conservatives. In reality, the majority of the un-vaxed for COVID-19 in the U.S. are urban black liberals, i.e., African-Americans. You know this because you failed to mention it in your article, because it opposes the liberal media perspective. So, you chose willful blindness and censorship to ensure distribution of your article. When the data and science doesn’t support the mainstream liberal media perspective, the truth gets censored by the likes of Facebook and Google, and only shows up on Fox news, not CNN, not MSNBC, not ABC, nor USA today, etc. So, if an individual in the name of “free will” doesn’t want their body to be assaulted and battered by a doctor and his needles or knives, in America, that’s their choice, no matter the outcome. The same is true of smoking, drinking, using drugs, the latter of which the majority of liberals support. It’s also China’s sovereign right as a totalitarian state to cover up their lab leak by murdering the scientists who were involved, to forcibly inject people with untested vaccines, to secretly euthanize the diseased, and quietly bury the dead.
Just wow.
I know a few people who have expressed reservations. I’ve responded softly, but your article has hardened my resolve. There is nothing I can say that seems to encourage them so I will let them know my exact feelings. I’ve been feeling strongly but this is the tipping point. Florida, Texas, Arkansas. I’ll say that perhaps Lincoln should have let the South go and then Americans wouldn’t have to have infested Cuba when they wanted cocaine and cheap whores. And then I’ll get harsh.
Not surprising that this topic brings out the crazies in your comments section. Rest assured that a strong majority fully agree with you, Prof, even if we’re less vocal.
Here’s the problem with so many of the “skeptics” in this conversation: they forget that their choice to remain unvaccinated affects others (which is the central, and completely valid, point of your post.) It is an indisputable scientific fact that the mRNA vaccines are safe and effective. Thus, getting the vaccine is not a personal medical matter; it’s a public health matter, and that’s a very different thing. It therefore follows that requiring people to be vaccinated in order to fully participate in public life is not only justified, but is the only responsible option that society has to protect itself.
Why? Well, individual liberties are very important, but they can only exist where the expression of those liberties does not infringe on OTHER people’s liberties. We see this in countless areas of the law, where we’ve collectively agreed to constrain individual liberties & choices wherever those choices might hurt others. For example:
– traffic laws
– drunk driving laws
– theft
– violent assault
– slander & libel
– indoor smoking prohibition
– etc etc etc
There’s already a long list of things we can’t do. That is our society’s way of balancing individual liberties with other objectives — public safety, shared prosperity, the security of personal property, and so on.
In fact, going places without being vaccinated is ALREADY something you can’t do: all children are required to receive multiple vaccines in order to attend school, and it’s been this way for many many decades. The effect of this was not the death of our liberties; on the contrary, it was the EXPANSION of our liberties as generations of parents and children avoided the tragic consequences of preventable diseases like smallpox, polio, measles, and whooping cough.
No more debate. No more persuasion. No more cajoling. Time for to flex our collective muscle and protect the greater good. Each person has the right to remain unvaccinated; but society has the right (and the responsibility) to protect itself by excluding those people from all areas of public life. This is about to become reality in NYC where I live, and I couldn’t be happier about it.
Faced with that choice, I believe most people will simply get vaccinated, and we’ll all be able to move on. Done and done.
Brave post! Nothing brings out the foil hat anti-vax crew like common sense. Unfortunately, those who accept the science will nod our head in agreement, and the rest will froth at the mouth and hurl their Google degrees in immunology at you…
…but we’re so exceptional.
Please discuss The Who tautology: no boosters for wealthy countries ’til rest of the world gets a shot.
One of your best mate.
The 1918 flu pandemic ran until 1920. My great grandfather was a doctor (graduated 1895), and passed away suddenly in 1920 at age 50, I’m guessing from related pandemic causes. Since then we have developed many vaccines and modern science-based medicines (many by studying and analyzing ‘traditional’ medicines). The percentage of the population that died in that first pandemic was much higher, and IMO today we are very lucky to have modern tools to fight it.
It is NOT the unvaxxed who is responsible for excess deaths. It is the supposedly well educated people who have closed their minds off to the possibility that there are alternatives to vaccine, alternatives that the pharma cartel is actively suppressing and succeeding thanks to the legions of useful educated idiots.
Yes, you should answer your country’s call to arms. But if your country is engaged in malfeasance, if your country is Germany 1939 or America following 2001, you should conscientiously object.
Agree. But after people like Scott get the vaccine and everything seems fine. They have no reason to go down the dark web(or should I say DarkHorse Pod) rabbithole and question all the murky ethics and questionable safety and lack of outcome (adverse effects) tracking around the EUA. So many questions remain. I think it would be interesting to have Bret Weinstein or Robert Malone on Prof G pod. Scott can’t empathize with the people that have questions about the vaccine safety if he hasn’t asked himself all the right questions.
Why has Trusted News Initiative media cabal been used to silence qualified intellectual discussion between doctors and PHDs ala Orwell’s Ministry of Truth?
If UDS really wanted to go to war with C19, why weren’t ALL preexisting drugs studied as early treatment (repurposes). Other countries and many published studies and credible people say up to 10 known safe drugs are very useful in preventing hospitalization if used at diagnosis.
Look at UK adverse effects data. Very high adverse effects. Why were mRNA drugs given a free pass on safety tracking in USA? What good is 100% population if Delta still infects fully vaxxed?
Is natural immunity a better way to go vs continued ‘booster’ jabs after every mutation??
I cried when Scott read this call to arms when he first wrote it.. now I want to yell ‘fuck you’ because I have unanswered questions and complete resent forcing mRNA on the entire population. Especially those under 30 for whom we have little safety data on mRNA long term safety and they are at so little risk from the virus.
It’s not case closed Scott. Understand the opposition before chastising them.
Hear, hear!
Was this some kind of ironic contribution, Scott? I mean… Someone with the intellectual abilities of YOU can’t really mean what I just read…?
Have you ever spent one minute listening to real experts of the level of Prof. John Ioannidis? Or do you just repeat what you read in mainstream media….?? I am shocked, to be honest. Even more because I have been a great fan of yours (and the sharpness of your economic analysis) since I saw you speaking on OMR conference in Hamburg some years ago. What a disappointment! 🙁
Having been taught to question authority, I have questions. We overused antibiotics, leading to the evolution of superbugs resistant to almost any of them. Chemotherapy can often kill most cancer cells, but if the ones that evolved to survive the treatment reproduce enough in your body, they will be highly resistant. If we have all these vaccines going after the spike protein, rather than developing natural antibodies to conquer the virus more broadly, all some variant has to do to be an efficient killer is mutate the spike protein without reducing infectiousness in order to get around the vaccines. Biden is already pushing for boosters–perhaps he is very aware of this evolutionary issue–but not telling us proles. The good news is that MRNA vaccine makers can react quickly to mutations. “Universal” vaccination may create an annuity stream for these companies. Are the authorities so panicked about the short term issues they are losing sight of the long-term problems their strategy is creating? From an historical standpoint, that wouldn’t be a surprise at all. I’m wondering whether the unvaccinated are taking a risk that actually protects the vaccinated by building broader immunity than the narrowly focused vaccines provide.
As a nurse in the Covid ICU, thank you for this. One of the challenges being faced by doctors, nurses and ancillary staff as we care for ICU patients in the emergency room hallway, because there will not be an open ICU bed 🛌 til the next COVID death, is the ability to hold on to our compassion. It is getting more and more difficult to have compassion for this overwhelming wave of unvaccinated patients who are shocked they are going to die from COVID. They seem almost startled, even in their fear, they seem to have no concern for who they may have transmitted the virus to (averagely 5 more unvaccinated people). The first wave did not have the advantage of a vaccine and those who died did so suffering the worst deaths I have seen (I am not a young nurse and I am not startled by anything). I Don not ok how to teach people it is important to care about others.
Thank you for your directness on this issue.
Thank you for your work Angela!
Doesn’t it seem odd that we aren’t focusing on antibodies? Who hasn’t had Covid by now, we are 18 months from the 2 week lock down to stop the spread. Why is that?
We don’t focus on antibodies because they have found that COVID19 antibodies don’t last very long — 3 to 6 months, in genral. You cannot count on them. The vaccine is more predictably reliable.
Or, and just spitballing here, we don’t focus on antibodies because they make us ask different questions.
If your body fought off the first virus, it’s certainly capable of fighting off the latter. And you are telling me immunity developed naturally should be inferior to ones developed by lab coats?
It is a shot not a vaccine. I’ve taken the shot and my guess is that I will have to take it again. The statistics don’t make this a Dunkirk moment in my mind. Poor leadership from our leaders and our government has created a high level of mistrust for the people. To disrespect and slander people for their choices only makes it worse. I hope more people get the shot, but we also need to understand that at best from a statistical perspective we will be lucky to get 60-65 covered.
Your strongest post so far. 👍🏻 You’re so right on. Excellent comparison to those who have answered the call of war. This looks so trivial compared to their sacrifice. I’ll stop before I get really angry!
Yes, German soldiers also sacrificed for the Nazi. Don’t get angry just yet
Read his post🙄
You can’t come at a dysfunctional element in a complex system head on. You have to tweak the system. You may not be able to change a man’s mind, but you can change the environment from which he developed his opinions. COVID triggered or acerbated sympathetic social viruses like Trumpism, election “fraud”, Qanon, GOP, DNC waffle and the whole inefficiency of American governance. Human response to COVID is a small part of the mess we are in and it won’t fix until the entire human system of existence is considered and supermajority agreements (all of them based on enriching the commonwealth because we sense creation has progression and we don’t know who or from what quarter that progression will be aided) — alone — are used to rebuild it. Without guns.
Trumpism is a virus? The least you could do, as an intellectual, is to not strawman the opponents. Trump represents a grievance held by a significant segment of the population. But you intellectual narcissists are more concerned about protecting your elitism than about making the world better.
Sorry Pal,
The dysfunction is not going away until: 1- More locust boomers with their selfishness now end in stage nihilism die off.
2- An aggressive counter intelligence operation circa cold war to wrap up chinese, russian, corporatist activities. It’s more “The Sum of All Fears” than you think with the right wing nationalism thing, Tucker Carlson, Rupert Murdoch, they are all following the old kgb playbook .
And put Billionaires in their place not in space.
PS. I’m a gen- X in your age range. Was on duty in EMS when the Twin Towers was hit in February 1993. I’m a respiratory therapist for the last 30+ yrs. During the crisis I worked extra out of sense of duty, plus the money was great. Now they are offering crisis pay again for those southern afflicted states, they did it to themselves this time. I’ll go when they hit 5x what was paid in metro NYC. During the peak I had to terminally wean (euphism for kill – better than a hot shot Breona Taylor Louisville Police Swat Team) about 2-3 people a day on many days. In terminal wean, once I pull the tube out you got about 5 breath as all the fluid in the lung comes out under pressure, then agonal breathing for under a minute and pulseless in 90 seconds.
I’m a baby boomer, born in 1951. My parents were part of what Tom Brokaw called The Greatest Generation. I’m thinking of writing a book about my cohorts with a simple title: My Generation Sucks.
We are the greediest most self-centered age group in history. Our kids don’t deserve us.
Hey Scott, you make a valid argument but, I have to ask, have you really done your homework on this one or are you shooting from an alarmists hip? Answer a few questions for me and then we’ll know!
1) How many Americans died from Covid and not from underlying medical issues Covid exacerbated? That answer leads to a follow up question, if you get Covid how likely are you to die from it percentage wise and how’s that % compare to say, driving to work & being killed?
2) If you contract and survive Covid, why would you need a vaccine?
3) What’s the latest efficacy rate on said vaccines? Last I read it’s dropped from mid 90’s to low 80’s and we’re 9 or so months in with injections.
4) How many people have been critically effected by said vaccines?
5) If the vaccines are so effective then why are the vaccinated getting Covid and variants of the original strain?
6) If Vaccines are so effective why has tge FDA, to date, not signed off off on something (mRNA) that was first considered back in the 60’s and tested since?
7) If the vaccines are so effective then why an EUA?
8) If the vaccines are so effective then why did the pharmaceuticals insist on immunity from prosecution?
9) If you take the vaccine and there’s a possibility you could be adversely effected, how can you mandate taking something when you can’t have your day in court?
10) In good conscious, how can you force your opinion (Covid’s deadly) and belief (vaccines work)on someone else?
I’m not busting your balls. I really would like to know your thoughts and clear up any false information I may have been deceived by so I can learn more. Thanks.
Your questions are outrageous John Olz, how dare you ask them. Do what you are told. The scientific method demands that no questions get asked ever 😀
The intellectual elites are really quite authoritarian in disposition. These guys love a strong central government
They are right that a powerful centralized benevolent government is a blessing to the citizenry. But history and wisdom shows benevolence is an exception not a rule. But these intellectuals are convinced if only they were the ones to rule a utopia will emerge.
When people can’t bear the weight of a mask in an effort to protect their neighbours, how can you expect them to get vaccinated? Individualism has run amok to the point that few can comprehend what it means to help others or to do things for the common good.
Scott – thanks so much for this article. Much of the pain, misery, and death caused by COVID-19 in the U.S. could have been avoided, by wearing our masks sooner, more often, practicing responsible social distancing — despite the perceived inconvenience — and now getting the vaccine. A crisis like COVID should bring our country together, not push us further apart. Protecting your own health, that of your family, friends, neighbors, is the rationale, loving, response. We are in this together and I hope we can all think about the needs of others.
Professor I don’t know if you are aware or not but the vaccine DOES NOT provide the vaccinated with kevlar protection against infection. What the vaccine scientifically provides in most cases, is a reduction in the severity of the symptoms should you get infected by either a vaccinated or non vaccinated person. I love all the statistics, graphs and stories about fighting in Vietnam to illustrate the need to have vaccine passports. None of that can hide the fact that everyone (vaccinated or not) can get infected.
I’d like to see us all start planning for an end game in the herd immunity initiatives to encourage people to get vaccinated, under publicly sponsored emergency authorizations …
How about “as of the 1 year anniversary of the first availability of a vaccination program in an individual’s age group and county of residence, if an individual has not been vaccinated, all costs resulting from medical treatment resulting from a SARS-CoV-2 infection will be uninsurable and, if incurred, will be born by the individual or their estate.”
I wonder if other conservatives view that degree of personal responsibility, freedom and accountability as something Americans should be willing to live with.
It isn’t government’s job to keep an American from killing themself, only to keep an American from killing their neighbor without justification; self-indulgences is insufficient justification.
Maybe more people would get vaxxed if they knew their expenses from vaccine injury would be covered. Insurance can deny payment since vaccine is EUA. It’s really sad that vaccine injured people are resorting to Go Fund Me to pay for medical bills. In CDC’s own powerpoint slides https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-2021-06/03-COVID-Shimabukuro-508.pdf, on slide 28, the observed myocarditis/perocarditis in dub vaxxed 18-24 males of 219 events was 25-200x expected rate of 1-8 events per the # vaccinated. Why should colleges mandate that healthy young college males expose themselves to 25x+ the risk of myocarditis? This is from the CDC’s own published report!
I know there is a lot of distrust (of institutions, of corporations, of politicians, you name it), but the downside of vaccination has never been clear to me. It seems to me the evidence of the harm of COVID is much greater than the evidence of the harm from vaccines.
It saddens me that distrust is so great that many people seem to basically only care about COVID if they or someone they know got a bad case (and may be even more anti-vaccine if they or someone they know got a mild case).
Somehow we’ve got to get a sense of the bigger picture that we can agree on. National action of the sort Scott is describing is impossible without that. Imagine if half of England didn’t believe the news that the war was real – if WWII was waged today you can be sure there’d be plenty of propaganda to that effect on social (and other) media.
I am completely out of ways to attempt to persuade anyone of anything. I look at the comment below and think “What is wrong with this country?” How did these people get there. Anyone who disagrees is “progressive.”
So why has America changed from a collective response of doing what’s best for the nation into the deafening cry for the right of the individual? I can only answer from my own experience, and my own perspective.
From my youth into my 30’s, my view of America was “it’s the greatest nation on the planet!” Somewhere around turning 40 til now, that view changed drastically. Why? Two words….technology and experience.
Technology gave me information at my finger tips, far beyond what I learned in my formal education, and I discovered my learning had been biased and flawed. Technology also provided me a window to the world, and those countries I was told weren’t so hot, were actually pretty awesome, and even prospering beyond America.
My experience with life, especially adult life, wasn’t anything like I expected. I did the whole “work hard, study hard, get a degree” number, so I could achieve “the career” only to find out that it wasn’t that ideal, my hard work wasn’t valued, and I seemed little more than a pawn in someone else’s game, one I had no control over.
I began to distrust “the American dream” and with it distrust America. I began to question America’s foundational systems and institutions. I especially began to distrust America’s leadership whether political or business, I didn’t trust what I was being told. With technology, the “American ideal” unraveled for me, and I discovered that ideal wasn’t so ideal.
So how do you treat a country that failed to live up to its reputation? Failed to give you what was promised after you did everything you were told to do? You become a narrow-minded individualist, who doesn’t care about anyone else but yourself.
I think a lot of Americans have lost faith in their country. I’m one of them.
P.S. I never gave up on science, I am vaccinated, and I still wear a mask…..I’m not stupid after all.
Mary, you are wonderful and although the country has a growing amount of flaws, it did give you the opportunity to be wonderful. One of the main problems is greed, or wanting too much. Wanting to better than you actually. Wanting more things that you actually deserve. Technology helped me get down to this core so maybe things will turn for the better
As I was reviewing my recent post it hit me that you reference the Vietnam war, a war that our government drug us into. However, now you suggest we should now trust the government and the conclusions reached about Covid and vaccines?
Thanks to progressives like you we no longer value morality, personal responsibility, sacrifice, love of the deplorables, love of country, and on and on. As long as progressives set the narrative they will exist by its consequences…..a vaccinated (1/5/2021) conservative
Via- griselda @KiaSpeaks
Aug 3
Erectile dysfunction is 3x higher in covid positive men according to this study…
“Mask up to keep it up”: Preliminary evidence of the association between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19
If this would go “viral” vaccine uptake would go way up!
The difference, WWII is a horrible comparison is that the people that are dying are 75+ (86%), overweight, and have multiple co-morbidities. Covid is NOTkilling the youngish, the health-ish people more than any other virus. Perhaps more contagious. COVID unfortunately has been weaponized for political reasons on both sides. The truth is the facts that you are willing to believe as your own truth. Time will tell the real outcome, maybe. I am 58 and my mother is 84. We both got it in April. Both of us were asymptomatic. We only got tested because one of her caregivers got it. I never missed a day of work or a workout. My mom had a slight case of sniffles. She thought it was seasonal allergies.
Thank you for this.
Insisting on freedom without stepping up and accepting common adult responsibilities is the sign of an adolescent.
If you’re suggesting that each of us is responsible for our own health decisions, I certainly agree.
You’ve allowed the pharma cartel and its minions in the institutions to propagandize into your head the idea that vaccine is the only solution to the problem.
Thank you for writing this, Scott
“FACTS: 20 deaths in Israel this month. 15 were vaccinated.”
The correct ratio to use is (#vaccinated deaths)/(# of people that are vaccinated). for example 15/5,400,000 is better than 5/1,000
Swing and a miss. I’ve been a subscriber for a few months and have largely enjoyed your content. I’m exhausted of over the top COVID and experimental vaccine commentary and yours falls clearly in the category. I’ll keep reading each Friday but this was a major test of my furthering interest in doing so.
Nice to know you can be rich and famous and still have values beyond self interest, as well as think and speak clearly. I am embarrassed by our political system – glad my father, a veteran of WW II, is no longer around to see what has happened to the country he fought for.
200 million ignores people who are either naturally immune of have been exposed. A stupid number (pop minus vaccinated)
The current death rate in the unvaccinated population of the UK (FROM THE DELTA VARIANT!!!!!!!!) is .0033%. why use 1%? That is a dumbass statistical, overblown mistake.
Truth would help: There is none from FDA or Fauci etc.
FACTS: 20 deaths in Israel this month. 15 were vaccinated. Their population is 1000 time larger then any study done a 2 years ago.
FACT: Vaccine is a category. Calling something a Vaccine (and changing wikopedia post fact for it to fit the definition) does NOT allow you to compare to others. Each is its own entity and requires its own evaluation.
Respect you and your opinion. Answer just a few questions.
Masks: Why are they being used. Me: CDC etc did a large study a couple of years ago showing they were not effective against Flu’s….this is pure totalitarian power demanding conformity. If you personally think masks work, great, wear one, it will protect you. btw…I see folks respond with N95’s work etc….The mask mandates and reality is 99% wear thin cotton, not properly fittted N95’s. If your argument is everyone should wear properly fitted N95’s changed multiple times a day, make that argument.
Prevention: Your article keeps stating that the unvaccinated are putting the vaccinated at risk. Can you show me the study that Pfizer or anyone else did that shows this Vaccine helps prevent Covid? I’ll wait. There was only one thing tested, in a ‘relatively’ small size (meaning we have real world numbers now). Prevention was NOT measured (on purpose as this ‘vaccine’ was not designed to prevent). Think…. everyone will get covid to get heard immunity, If you are so certain in this vaccine, great, reap the benefit you think you are getting (maybe there is a placebo effect). Since it doesn’t prevent, why must you be a totaltarian and demand others take your view. It’s their risk not theirs.
Question: Why demand those who had covid get jabbed? They have natural immunity
Point: Not anti-vaccine, me and my family have taken many and I believe in vaccine science. This version we don’t.
Point: Go look at public Israel numbers. In last month 20 have died, 15 were vaccinated. This is where the constant dishonesty of Facui etc is causing issues. E.g. 97% of those who have died were unvaccinated, while quote is ‘true’ without context. 90%+ of deaths were before any vaccine was available, so 100% of those will be unvaccinated. Compare like to like….deaths in same time frame, if provide the % vaccinated vs unvaccinated….define vaccinated (I see many folks use Bidens 70%+ have one shot, except that is NOT the definition of vaccinated. Only 50%+ (now) in US count as vaccinated. There is a big threat about UK (skynews) stating 35% of hospitalizations are ‘vaccinated’, with zero context of time frame and /or comparision against full public rate (Folks in comment are stating 78% of UK is vaccinated, not from what I looked up, they count one shot, they don’t count kids (kids are counted in hospital).
Where we agree: Covid19 is a very dangerous Virus. Yes I know many who had bad Covid19, and know of a few who died. Being against THIS vaccine is not saying Covid19 is not dangerous.
Where we don’t: There are MANY alternative treatments: Asking drug companies to ‘test’ ‘I gave HCQ to 100 elderly on their death beds and they all died . mRNA being ‘safe’….there was a reason the FDA NEVER approved a Moderna drug (they had been a company for over ten years)….that reason and risk didn’t go away because of Covid.
Death counts are spin….first MANY died. The counts include too many who died ‘with covid’….with a $25k incentive to check the box.
Age and co-morbilities matter. My 80+ year old folks took the shots, their short and long term risks were very different then me and my 16 year olds (we are both healthy, and had non symptomatic covid early, both have natural anti-bodies).
thank you for listening to an alternative view….
“FACTS: 20 deaths in Israel this month. 15 were vaccinated.”
The correct ratio to use is (#vaccinated deaths)/(# of people that are vaccinated). for example 15/5,400,000 is better than 5/1,000
Pretty much all your statements are false and can be debunked via google search.
Ok go ahead. Interested to see you do that.
Would you also require an ID to vote along with all of the proof of vaccination?
See this pisses me off about these two-faced intellectuals. I need a card to enter Costco, but voter ID is voter suppression. If they are as vocal about the need for voter ID as they are about vaccine passports, I would at least respect them for having principles. But these elitists do not carr about the people they want to rule over unless they obey like sheep.
If your principles include both voting and public health as human rights then I think this stance is pretty clear..
As a person who enjoys and admires your spirit I urge you to read the comments and think…don’t retaliate, just think. We are in desperate need of fair minded, ethical people that can exhibit high level reasoning skills that will raise consciousness of our children and their reality. Equating WW2 to Covid is ridiculous. Even equating past Influenza death numbers to Covid numbers is also not correct because those past numbers most likely excluded the comorbitity (I.E. cancer, obesity, diabetes, etc) Time will tell, we cannot rush to judgement in this matter. You are, and will always be one of the good guys but in this matter it is best to think slow rather than fast.
Well said John!
No malice my friend as I believe we can agree to disagree and still have meaningful discourse… I contracted covid in late January 2021 and remain on the fence about vaccinations. There have been far to many instances where a death or incident was reported as COViD-related or not to the advancement of one particular view or the other. (Hank Aaron and others who were completely fine prior to their vaccination, but experienced horrible outcomes.) In short, the numbers reported are skewed and I am not confident about the conclusions… I am someone who wears their mask in public as I am conscientious about doing what I can to lessen the spread.Besides, what ever happened to the “Optional” vaccine status afforded to us at the beginning of vaccinations? In short, promoting it as optional was the foot in the door when all along the plan was to make it mandatory. As I said from the beginning, no malice at all as I love what you do!
Refusing social security, service, travel etc in the absence of vaccination is a compelling response. If the numbers were smaller I’d support it, but at this scale I’d worry about the medium- to long-term effect in terms of social exclusion and economic damage. At this pitch of threat, with so many lives ‘on the beach’ (either conscious refuseniks or innocent bystanders), it’s getting close to a time when people will need to be forcibly vaccinated. The colossal damage to trust and huge incursions on personal liberty this would no doubt yield are less bad than millions of deaths from an uncontrolled virus.
Here’s a more recent war analogy:
On September 11, 2001, 3000 people (2996 exactly) died in a horrendous act of hate. The US went to war for 20 years, on multiple fronts, and spent at least a trillion taxpayer dollars and thousands of soldiers lives for those 9/11 deaths. COVID has claimed over 200x 9/11s deaths. For several months COVID claimed one 9/11 of deaths PER DAY. Where is the horror we felt on 9/11 and collective action we witnessed afterward? That the US population can’t understand COVID is a common enemy is a tragedy.
Great article…If everyone was vaccinated we wouldn’t be experiencing the Delta Surge and we would be closer to “normal” again. One note, I was part of the Pfizer trial, and they tested their vaccine on over 30,000 people. It’s very safe, and taking it, or Moderna or J&J is the right thing to do. People are still dying from Covid…for no logical reason. Keep on educating the masses Scott…thank you.
No evidence for this. Partial mass Vaccination may even accelerate variant rate.
Transmission continues in everyone. Non-sterilizing vaccines are not proven to prevent variants.
Thirdly, mass simultaneous vaccination is not possible.
I am vaccinated and believe in science, to preface. However, I think a lot of people are misunderstanding “the other side”. It’s not about freedom or liberty for many people. It is trust. They do not trust the CDC. They do not trust institutions. And people do have a right to lack trust. There have been so many scandals from pharmaceutical companies (Sackler, J & J) over the years. Also, there are many problems with the medical community and their insistence that pills are the answer, when sometimes, they are not at all. This has slowly been changing but still not where I would like it to be.
Less intelligent humans beings like to generalize. So, although not every pharmaceutical company is engaging in nefarious behaviors behind the scenes, there have been some cases where they have been. And in some people’s minds, they think all pharmaceutical companies are liars, because of the stories in the news concerning the bad apples.
Modern life is so complicated. People don’t have the time, energy, or mental capacity to do the research or understand the complexity. One bad story makes the whole industry evil in this kind of person’s mind. They make sweeping generalizations and sweeping allegations and see things in more black and white.
Also, I don’t think they can be sold on the fact that it is beneficial for the greater good. This country has bred its citizens to be individualistic and this is deep and engrained. Especially amongst certain people. They can only be sold by explaining why it is best for them personally.
I think someone needs to say to them, “I understand why you are scared. You have every right to be scared.” And then try to explain the science. I think it’s too late for this. Too many people attack rather than respond with kindness. And attacking is the wrong tactic. But that’s what people do. I understand it takes a lot of maturity to take the path of kindness and understanding, which few people have.
But now, they are only going to dig their feet in the ground. Because ignorant, immature people do not like to admit they were wrong. Especially, when they have been attacked for their beliefs. Only certain adults that have reached certain levels of maturity are able to admit fault. And this country is 70% grown-up children.
Although the city/country division has always existed in this country, since the 80s many things have caused the country to become more divisive. Life is great if you are born in certain places in this country and a living hell if you are born in others. When people’s quality of life declines, they become angry and depressed and hate the world and everyone in it. They are not inclined to do anything for anyone or for society at large. If you feel uncared for by your society, then why would you care about your society? You become a worse person. You believe in conspiracy theories. You believe anyone with money or power is against you or lying to you. You trust no one. And then when something like this happens, you refuse to participate for the greater good.
There are a multitude of reasons why people are responding like this and why the country is where it is and it is the repercussions of what has been happening for decades.
Bye Scott. Your too Nazi like for me. This line got me.
“to some perverted notion of “liberty.” ….Baaaah Baaaah bye.
I agree 100%
Comparing a disease that predominantly kills people at the end of their lives to WW2 is beyond ridiculous. Your statistics about death would look silly if you compared a change in mean (or median) life expectancy during WW2 vs COVD. I often agree with your politics but this is a step too far.
Well said, usually enjoy these newsletters but this one is absurd
Well, I’m sure glad to hear that 65+ (the primary cohort impacted by COVID deaths, at least in earlier stages of the pandemic) is considered “end of life”. I was rather hoping to enjoy a longer retirement than that.
The drop in life expectancy from WWII was about 3 years. For 2020, mostly due to COVID, it was 1.5 years. For some population groups it was larger, and approaching 3 yrs. I fail to see how that is either “silly” or “beyond ridiculous”.
See https://apnews.com/article/science-health-coronavirus-pandemic-fac0863b8c252d21d6f6a22a2e3eab86) for reference.
I couldn’t disagree with you more. Now that I understand your true heart, I have unsubscribed to your emails. Good luck.
Time will tell who is right in this fight. My wife and I are both vaccinated so are my children, but the efficacy of these vaccines is still up in the air. What is true though is ethics and integrity, building blocks of this great nation, have given way for winning at any costs, so people do not trust the system. Belief biases are dominating the landscape because we’re lacking the proper ethical models, we should all try to hone our reasoning abilities especially in this digital age
With all due respect … you oversimplify an issue. For certain age groups the vaccine is more risky (death) than contracting the virus, even disregarding individual risk factors. e.g. See the EU report: Page 11: https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/chmp-annex/annex-vaxzevria-art53-visual-risk-contextualisation_en.pdf
Arguments regarding “the greater good” also don’t fly as the vaccine doesn’t make one immune from the virus or significantly reduce one’s ability to transmit it to others once infected. It merely reduces the vaccinated individual’s personal experience of the virus.
If you are over 50 – the math says get the vaccine. Otherwise? well, do the math yourself.
Great comment. Thank you for the link
Oversimplification seems to be contagious.
For starters, that report is specific to the AstraZeneca vaccine, which has a far higher rate of complications from blood clots than either of the mRNA-based vaccines which are commonly given in the US. In addition, the chart you’re presumably referring to in making your assessment is comparing risk of *death* from COVID to risk of a case (not death from) TTS (vaccine-induced blot clots). That’s hardly apples to apples.
It’s true the vaccine doesn’t make you “immune” to the virus, if by immune you mean 100% protected. No vaccine does that. But it does reduce the likelihood of infection, and it does reduce the likelihood of symptoms – and therefore of spreading an infection to others. Pandemics are a matter of statistics and probabilities. Reducing the rate of infection and transmission is important, even if it cannot be reduce to zero. Every infection is another opportunity for mutation – and its how we got Delta in the first place.
In my opinion, unless you’re going to cloister yourself, or at least take other precautions against inadvertently spreading disease (making, avoiding indoor crowds), its irresponsible bordering on sociopathic to avoid vaccination.
See https://www.hematology.org/covid-19/vaccine-induced-immune-thrombotic-thrombocytopenia
With all due respect:
> It’s true the vaccine doesn’t make you “immune” to the virus, if by immune you mean 100% protected. No vaccine does that.
– Polio and smallpox vaccines would like to have a chat with you about that over-generalisation.
>But it does reduce the likelihood of infection,
– No, it appears to reduce the rate of infection among those tested – which suffers from a strong confirmation bias / endogenity issues.
> and it does reduce the likelihood of symptoms – and therefore of spreading an infection to others.
– No, still infectious! The jury is still out on whether there is more than a marginal change in infectiousness among the vaccinated.
> Pandemics are a matter of statistics and probabilities. Reducing the rate of infection and transmission is important, even if it cannot be reduce to zero. Every infection is another opportunity for mutation – and its how we got Delta in the first place.
– Yes, and vaccination changes nothing here.
“Enough already. Federal law should require any citizen who wants to cash a government check, use public transport, or enter a place of business to show proof of vaccination.”
That is surely “no mercy” but sadly not “no malice”. Why so harsh…it is becoming clear that the vaccine won’t stop transmission. So in the end everyone must decide for themselves which risk outweighs which. There is no sacrifice for society. People should be free to decide…people who don’t get the vaccine are no more dangerous than anyone else. Stop this shaming and splitting.
Wrong Paul…people who Don’t Get the Vaccine are a lot more dangerous and they are the main reason Covid is still killing people and we have to continue “masking up” for them.
Jim, that is patently untrue. Explain the P-town breakout using your reasoning. 75% of those stricken with Covid had been double vaxxed. And this new strain, while more contagious, is far less deadly, so really only those suffering pre-existing conditions, the morbidly obese, and seniors need worry about this strain “killing people.”
“Patently untrue” is an easy term to toss around without any backup. I think I’ll take the word of the American Association of Microbiology over yours, with all due respect, when it comes to the risks associated with COVID/Delta:
Huh? “Even among survivors, the virus has been shown to cause long-term neurological and cardiac harm in 10% of victims.” How can this be known for a virus concocted in a Wuhan lab less than 36 months ago? And explain the gratuitous shot at Gov. Desantis? Voluntary manslaughter? How so? Florida is a huge sprawling state with more senior citizens per capita than any other state in the union, as well as more people coming and going into the state than any other state as well. Yet the per capita death rates from covid are far less than NY, NJ, MA or CT. How does science explain that, Prof? You argue to stick with science, but your column reads like the whiny rant of one of your entitled students that is not getting her way. The Bumbler-in Chief and his cackling Veep have done more damage to the “Get Vaxxed” movement than anyone else. And the blatant power grab, vax-shaming, and stigmatization of those with vax hesitancy is staggering. All the “equity uber alles” drumbeaters are suddenly silent on how vax passport restrictive measures disproportionally affect minority communities, but that’s OK, as this is “for the common good” evidently? Maybe Dementia Joe needs one of your Sprint courses on effective messaging. Does the vaccine work, or not? 75% of those infected with the delta variant in P-town were double vaxxed. Explain that, while pushing people to “do the right thing” and get vaxxed, even though you will still face all the restrictions that unvaxxed people do, like the utterly useless, virtue-signaling mask of shame that Karens insist on you wearing.
Wow, Charles. You have taken “whiny rant” to a whole new level – adding unsubstantiated conspiracy theory, gratuitous name-calling, and simplistic misrepresentation of fact to the mix. Well done (sarcasm, lest you fail to recognize it)!
Regarding Provincetown… Yes, many of those infected had been vaccinated (as the Washington Post reported). Vaccines are not 100% effective, especially as the virus evolves. Vaccination needs to be combined with other basic (and easy) precautions, like not crowding a whole bunch of people into poorly ventilated indoor spaces, and wearing masks when in high-risk situations. It’s not hard.
Every person who refuses to get vaccinated, and then also refuses to behave responsibly, and gets or passes on VOCID to others in the community is creating another opportunity for virus variants to emerge and spread. Delta is bad enough – we don’t need more even worse variants emerging. The only way to stop that from happening is for a majority of people to decide they give a damn about their friends, neighbors and community and are willing to take the simple measures needed to protect them. If it takes some public shaming to make that happen, then so be it.
I’m sorry Nick, what unsubstantiated conspiracy theory did I add to the conversation? As noted multiple times above, masks are the wardrobe for Corona-cosplay. They do nothing to stop the spread of the original nor the variant, especially the dime-store ones most virtue-signalers like to wear. But knock yourself out if it makes you feel like you give a damn about your community. You seem to think such simple measures will get to Zero-Covid if you just care enough for your community. That is BS, you know it too. Evidently it is hard, and brushing off the line “Vaccine are not 100% effective” does not answer the question of why 75% of those infected were vaccinated. Those opposed to injecting unproven ineffective big pharma into their bodies at least deserve the truth from ** Trigger Warning** Gratuitous name calling** the lying little gnome Dr. Fauci, about the NIH investment in Corona research, the efficacy of masking, and how effective the big pharma vaccines actually are. So far, he is a documented prevaricator, so it is understandable that some may have vaccine hesitancy.
Scott, I think it is really unfair of you to blame President Biden, disappointed in your approach on this.
I absolutely agree with you!
I personally think that there are a few people who have an interest in the pandemic to last, especially because of all the free money they can receive from their Government. If countries around the world request that only vaccinated people apply to receive free money from the Government in case of lockdown……things will change and many more people will rush to get a vaccine.
All forms of media are or must be overly divided separating the entire target audience. It’s a waste of time preaching to the choir as the cliche goes. Corporate America must take on the responsibility of messaging on all media platforms using every tool Madison Avenue and the Military use in Psychology Ops fashion to educate the public. The lack of using these tactics speaks volumes about why we are currently in this most undesirable divided absolute nightmare with Covid being the enemy. Can we rise as a unified nation to fight this unseen enemy as one here in America as well as worldwide ?
Appeals to authority and reciting evidence is pretty counterproductive, now. I’ve had it with all this cajoling. These viruses are really nasty when they infest you, and they’ll probably be around for your entire life, doing their things. Those who are unable to assign relative risk, well, nature will be a good instructor.
I imagine that some people won’t get the vaccine over disdain for the ‘other’ side, namely: 1) people that are extremely concerned about vaccination but are also for absolutely no restrictions on abortion, and 2) people they don’t agree with politically trying to tell them what to do, all while calling them names, even wishing death on them, etc. Most people that are concerned about the unvaccinated do themselves no favors by not engaging in polite discussion but rather shouting at the other side. And everyone should know by now that shouting doesn’t usually win people over.
What does abortion have to do with vaccination? A woman making the difficult decision to have a non-sentient clump of cells the size of a kidney bean (that will over months become an actual baby) removed from her body, does not affect the health of hundreds of people, exposing then to a potentially fatal illness. Running around in public unvaccinated does.
I agree with you completely Scott!! Keep fighting the good fight. You have many people in your corner.
“ Yes, the risk is small. But it’s far greater than the risk presented by the vaccine.” evidence to support your claim, long-term, doesn’t exist.
It’s remarkable how autocratic many have proven to be in these fearful times. Fear Tyrant: one who insists others endure unwanted procedures against their will in order for the fearful to “feel” more safe.
You are an idiot Marcus. It is people like you that post videos after you get COVID how much you wished you got the vaccine. Please move to a different country. You will be much happier there.
Professor Galloway 2024
You are an idiot