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Scott Galloway

Professor of Marketing at NYU Stern School of Business and host of the Prof G and Pivot Podcasts. For Scott Galloway speaking inquiries, email

December 6

Media Consolidation

The hottest product in tech is Bluesky, adding 1 million users a day since the election. CEO Jay Graber says the platform will never have ads, as ads are the road to “enshittification.” OK then. Ad-supported media, as a whole, is one of the least…

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November 22

F1 Is at an Inflection Point

Just as my obsession with relevance and economic security have often crowded out what’s really important — relationships — I’ve let my preoccupation with the election results crowd out the blessings in my life. God, I’m so fucking sick of politics. So … let’s talk…

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November 15

The Testosterone Election

I believe the more interesting conversation than why she lost, is how he won. We on the left try to comfort each other with the cold (i.e., freezing) comfort of “he barely won the popular vote,” or “Wisconsin was decided by just 30k people,” but…

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November 8

The Podcast Election

I’m still in my pajamas — haven’t changed since Tuesday night. I’m also drinking a fair amount and toggling between Netflix shows: Nobody Wants This, which is pleasant but über cliche (i.e., stupid); and Monsters, which, as the father of two boys, I find just…

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November 1

High Anxiety

I just returned from the U.S. and was struck by how tense things are. It feels similar to what I imagine the mood was during the Vietnam War. So let’s take a break and discuss something even more stressful: college admissions. Yay. Last week I…

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October 25

Endorsement: Vice President Kamala Harris

The Last Swing Voters The catastrophizing, from both sides, re “The end of America” if s/he wins is obnoxious and recognizes neither history nor the resilience of the U.S. We’ve survived much worse than her/him. However, it’s clear that, as in any election, some groups…

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October 18

Tesla WTF

The most impressive, and unimpressive, product displays of 2024 occurred last week — from companies headed by the same person. The largest booster rocket ever assembled was called back to terra by gravity; then, as it approached the Earth’s surface, engines ignited that navigated the…

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October 11

Origin Story

I’m in L.A., and it’s been an emotional week — on several dimensions. Many of my closest friends are celebrating our 50th. It’s wonderful. Any competitiveness, jealousy, or other petty bullshit has melted away. All that’s left is collective joy at our friendships, and adult…

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October 4

Fallen Angels

The stock market is touching highs, but some corporate icons have seen valuations crash. I believe dispersion, China, and a changing of the guard are key to understanding these fallen angels. Dispersion In 1996, at the height of the brand era, I was asked to…

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